The Bucket list to make 2022 your year
It's easy to make a new years resolution and find yourself 3 cocktails deep into a night out saying you were going to do dry Jan...
Forget those new years resolutions, we bring you the only Brighton exclusive 2022 bucket list you will need to make 2022 your year.
Heres your check list:
1. Start a Gratitude Journal
Write 3 things every single day for 365 days which you are grateful for or made you smile or some thing that you are proud of. By the time you hit new years eve in 2022 you will find a bundle of reasons why 2022 was your year and why you should be proud of who you are.
You can buy a gratitude journal (also known as a wellness book) from pretty much anywhere online including ASOS, Amazon and Etsy!
2. Add an extra hour to your day
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so make the most of it! This month try waking up an hour earlier to do something you truly want to do. Whether that is watching the sun rise, going for that morning jog, to the gym or even having more time to read a book whilst eating breakfast. Your body clock may not enjoy those early wake up calls to start, but trust us when we say it will make the world of difference to your mind set for the day!
3. Try somewhere new
Change always seems so daunting, as does the new year with so much pressure to change and do better. Start off with small steps and refresh your daily routines by trying somewhere new and out of your comfort zone. This could be a new coffee shop, a different restaurant, a new food, a new hobby. Whatever it is, make sure you try it!
4. Join a Society
One of the biggest parts of University is making friends for life and memories you wont forget. Whether you're into a sport, have a passion for something, join or make a society and find yourself making friends you never thought you would meet. You can find all the societies available to join on Brighton & Sussex University website or you can find and message them on instagram.
5. Learn a Language
A bit of a bigger box to tick.. but why not expand your knowledge and try learning a new language! Duolingo is the best app to help you slowly learn and develop your language skills. Why not start now and see how much you know by 2023
6. Make the effort
Now that isolation has become the complete norm, it can be hard to get yourself out of the mindset of not socialising and interacting with friends and people that mean the most to you. Make the effort with your friends and meet up with them at least once a week. Whether that is joining us at a CU Next Tuesday or upgrading to our Free VIP Platinum Package at Runway Fridays, make sure you make memories in 2022.
7. Make 2022 About You
Even if you don't tick a single thing off your bucket list or don't achieve that new years resolution remember that 2022 is all about you and you can make it exactly what you want it to be.
We wish you a very happy new year and wish you the best of luck in 2022!