ROX x Sussex SU - Sussex Student Elections 2021


📣 Calling all Sussex students!  📣

We are very proud to announce that ROX has teamed up with with Sussex Students’ Union in order to help encourage students to VOTE for their next fellow students to Run the Union in the Sussex Student Elections 2021.

The last year in particular has highlighted the importance of student voices being heard and it really does begin here with the elections. If the right people get elected into the right positions then the student experience will only improve and key student issues will be addressed. Our aim is to help improve every student at Sussex and Brighton University overall experience whether that is nightlife and entertainment or more serious issues - we want to ensure we are doing our bit.

After the difficulty all students have experienced in the past year, it is so important to have your say and we want to make sure we all make a difference.

Make your vote count.

Polls are now open and close on Friday 30th April at 5pm.


In case you haven't been following on our social media over the last week we have been posting each candidate running for election and their top 3 key manifesto points, here is a quick rundown in case you missed it...

Introducing your Education and Employability Officer Candidates: 

Sean Otley
Top 3 manifesto points:
1. Continue optional blended learning

2. Fight for fair assessments

3. Support student workers.

Yasmin James (Transform Sussex)
Top 3 manifesto points:
1. Support students and staff through the pandemic and its aftermath

2. Diversify and decolonise the curriculum and careers

3. Improve communication and increase accountability 

Khadija Hossain
Top 3 manifesto points:
1. Students to co-produce their core modules

2. Quality and accessibility of blended learning e.g. EC, equal support for those on and off campus

3. Close the BAME awarding gap - SARA



Introducing your International Student Officer Candidates:

Anna Nicolaou
Top 3 manifesto points:
1. To ensure all international students feel able to speak up and have their voices heard

2. Open communication between the elected officer and international students and work together on issues

3. Expand anti racist education

Caitlin Yue Wen Ung
Top 3 manifesto points:
1. Accountability not marketability - International tuition fee caps

2. Commit to an anti racist, decolonial and diverse SU and University - SARA

3. Closing the BAME and International awarding gaps

Devika Anarkkodu
Top 3 manifesto points:
1. Connect communities

2. Career equity

3. Building resilience

Introducing your Sports Societies and Events Officer Candidates:

Annie O'Connor (Transform Sussex)
1. Improving accessibility of clubs and societies

2. Greater collaboration between student groups

3. Lots more events! Including setting up an events committee

Introducing your Student Living and Sustainability Officer Candidates:

Connor Moylett (Transform Sussex) 
1. Stop the student housing rip-off!

2. National action on climate and local sustainable living.

3. Bringing joy back to Sussex!

Rebecca Dicker
1. Reclaiming campus

2. Re-imagining campus

3. Revigin campus

Introducing your Student Trustee Candidates:

Mavis Elias
1. Staff sensitivity training

2. Awarding gaps

3. Student society funding

Harry Jenkinson (Transform Sussex)
1. The curriculum to be decolonised

2. More funding for student societies, clubs and events

3. Create an entertainment committee and make Sussex fun again post-covid

Rebekah Fleming (Transform Sussex)
1. Making the campus and affordable and community centered as possible

2. Transparency of our fees

3. To have quality and diverse education

Aaron Williams (Transform Sussex)



Introducing your Student with Disabilities Officer Candidates:

Matthew Pritchard and Dany Uyanik (Transform Sussex)
1. Mental health services on campus

2. Accessibility on campus

3. Readjustments to academic support for students

Mayukh Moloy Saha
1. Skills for disabled students

2. Accessibility needs

3. Enabling disabled students to participate more in sports and events

Introducing your Wellbeing Officer Candidates:

Tobias Ashdown
1. Set up a mental health crisis centre on campus

2. Increase support for minority groups on campus

3. Set up a Mental Health First Aider in every faculty

Paris Palmano (Transform Sussex)



Introducing your Women’s Officer Candidates:

Lucy Evans
1. Overhauling and improving sexual assault reporting procedures and ensuring societies have compulsory training on this

2. Creating a community for women and any victims of misogyny to be able to share their experiences in a safe and welcoming environment

3. Restarting and enriching Free Wednesdays - increasing publicity of it and trying to shift more environmentally friendly products



Remember it is vitally important to vote and have your say, now more than ever! You can click here to vote now.


 Ps Brighton Uni Students - Your societies elections are now open you can vote by following this link.